EML Projects

Head Spin: Multisensory Integration of 3D Orientation in VR

Head Spin: Multisensory Integration of 3D Orientation in VR

A research study that aims to use VR to examine how disturbances impact how humans perceive and experience orientation in a three-dimensional environment.

Online Course Enhanced Learning Intelligent Assistant (OCELIA)

Online Course Enhanced Learning Intelligent Assistant (OCELIA)

An artificial intelligence tool that aims to expand student understanding of reading materials and foster productive class discussion.

Procedural Poetry Playhouse

Procedural Poetry Playhouse

A project that aims to use AI and VR to reimagine poetry as a physical space, using the philosophy of play-based learning to further student understanding of poetry and the process behind it.

A dynamic pathway, with windows that oversees the landscape outside. Picture is overlayed with purple.

Behavioural Biomarker

A VR navigation task to measure cognitive decline in participants affected by preclinical Alzheimer’s disease.

Mother holding child. Nurse practitioner is tending to the kid.

Nurse Practitioner VR Tool

A tool for student Nurse Practitioners to practice communication and clinical decision-making skills.

VR Makerspace

VR Makerspace

A VR makerspace where students can ideate and tackle real-world challenges together.

Judicial Interrogatory Simulator

Judicial Interrogatory Simulator

An artificial intelligence tool building upon the Moot Court project

3D Metabolism

3D Metabolism

Provides a novel way to visualize the information contained in a metabolic network to make it easier to consume and understand

Tapestry Tool – ML

Tapestry Tool – ML

Using machine learning to automatically generate a web of interconnected content in Tapestry Tool

Vestibular Assessment

Vestibular Assessment

A mixed/augmented reality tool to teach various assessment techniques for the inner ear