Get Involved
UBC Faculty Members
Submit a Project Proposal
UBC faculty are encouraged to submit proposals related to their teaching/learning or research projects that use emerging media technologies. Learn more on the Call for Proposals page.
UBC Students
Join EML as one of our paid student workers
EML will be hiring Work Learn UI/UX designers, software developers, and through the co-op program, a lab coordinator. Please follow us on Twitter or Instagram, and sign up for our monthly newsletter to be the first to know when we post positions.
If you are a student with a project idea, or who wants to join EML mid-semester, visit our EMLx page to learn more about how to get involved.
Become an industry mentor or advisor
EML brings together UBC faculty, staff, and students to collaborate on teaching/learning or research projects using cutting-edge technologies like VR/AR, 3D visualization, and machine learning. EML industry advisors provide our student team with technical and project management advice, coaching, and mentorship.
EML is seeking experts in 3D video game development, 3D modelling, machine learning, and more. Contact us to learn more.
Propose an industry project for Developing Emerging Technologies
In this course, taught by EML faculty in residence Dr. Patrick Pennefather, students across all majors work together on industry-initiated projects. They learn prototyping skills, gain experience collaborating on teams, build technical knowledge, and leave with both an Arts course credit and an understanding of how to create practical solutions to specific problems.
Do you or your company have an idea for a project? Contact us today.
Join the Emerging Media Community of Practice
EMCoP is a group of researchers, developers, designers, and educators committed to building a community of practice focused on the development of emerging technologies for human good. Founded by the team at EML, EMCoP is now hosted remotely by various universities across North America.
Are you interested in presenting your work with emerging technologies? Read more on the EMCoP website.
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Emerging Media Lab
Vancouver Campus
Irving K. Barber Room 183, 1961 East Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1
Tel: 604-822-2669

Emerging Media Lab Development Space
Vancouver Campus
Gerald McGavin Room 112A, 2386 East Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z3

K. Karasin Collaboration Space
Vancouver Campus
Wesbrook Building Room 21, 6174 University Blvd
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z3